Friday, February 22, 2008

How To Get Started In Speed Reading!

If you are a reader but you find it difficult to read large chunk of information, then you need speed reading. If you are unable to read large novels and write-ups or you generally find studying boring, then you need speed reading. However, to read successfully at an alarming speed, you need to follow some basic rules and strategies.

The main purpose of speed reading is for comprehension of material in a short time span. To accomplish this you will need to practice while timing and checking your comprehension of the material as you go along. The key to success in speed reading is practice, practice and practice some more, if possible keep a progress report on your reading activity.

In speed reading you have to train your eyes to span across more than a word. You have to learn initially how to read two words simultaneously, then three, then a group of words and possibly a full sentence. Now lets come home and see what we are talking about. Let us consider the following examples below. It is a true or false test, so pay close attention and answer them before proceeding to the answers below because it can help you in speed reading.

A. In all, the ways we can read very fast is limited _______________
B. There are basic rules governing speed reading that you must learn ________
C. In the beginning of a speed reading activity, a reader can grasp one whole sentence? ___________
D. A speed reader need a daily program of reading activity to learn _________
E. At the onset of a reading exercise, the starter should scan the material once _________________

Now answers to the test exercise above.

A. The truth of the matter is there are many ways we can speed read. Strategies upon strategies keep coming up for our use from time to time. It is left upon us to choose from any one of them that suits our interest. Therefore the answer to A is True.

B. The answer here is True. It is not just possible to start speed reading without knowing some guiding rules you can use to achieve your goals. With those rules a starter is guided and he practices reading successfully.

C. It is not possible for a new person in speed reading to grasp one whole sentence at a glance. He will need to practice to reach this level of comprehension. Therefore the answer here is false.

D. The answer is true. A new speed reader should choose a conducive environment and a program of daily reading activity with all the strategies in place to help him read fast.

E. True is the answer. It is always advisable that before you take up any reading material, it will be proper you preview it and quickly run your eyes across and along the material to fully acquaint you with the topic or theme of the material. However, you should also know that you are not reading this material for the purpose of concluding it fast, instead it should be for informative reasons. While reading, you do not want to relate to any word but to group of words or main ideas of the material, thus enhancing understanding. For instance, let study the scenario below:

Example Sentence:

Scientific discoveries had it that a spider can create millions of webs in seconds.

A spider can create millions of webs in micro minutes.

The main idea in the above scenario is that the speed reader was able to know how fast a spider can make webs. This he has accomplished, even though, he has no statistics as to the exact time it takes the spider to make the millions of webs, this detail is not relevent to the speed reader. In order words, focus on your comprehension level while reading fast is your ultimate goal as a speed reader and you can achieve that through consistent practice, timing and keeping a good record of your activities to checkmate your reading ability.

Joe Okoro writes about Speed Reading in his free reports. You can sign up for his courses and get additional information by visiting: http://speedreadingguideonline.comDr Livneh Hypnotherapy
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